So here are some sample pictures from my first workshop with the Marings, and today was only day 1...we still have another full day with them tomorrow to learn even more! I know if I had the right lenses, and some software on my laptop I could really add the wow factor to these photos, but again these are raw and the only editing you see if cropping, and change of color. All these pictures are straight from my camera using existing lighting and no flash let me tell you about my day!
Where do I begin! From the moment I walked into my first intense workshop, Jennifer Maring greeted me with such a warm smile and welcome. Then her husband Charles walked in and was just as pleasant. I could already tell why they were so successful...and that was because they were so genuine, so personal, and they allow those qualities to spill over into their work. I thought to myself, are all photographers so nice??? and after spending 9 hours with 25 other photographers from all over the world, the answer is YES! I must of been the only one in the session, who was brand spankin new to all of this with my lil' D50 when many were rockin their Nikon D700s, Cannon 5D Mark II, and their googoogaga lenses! I absolutely loved every minute of it. I learned so much within this first session that I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around all of it. Although I was like the rookie in the most truest form of that word....these professional photographers were so willing to share and take time to help me understand my camera more intuitively. Then of course the Marings had an incredible presentation which was nothing but pure inspiration. They shared so many things from the start of their business, marketing strategies, photo techniques, etc... so here is a list of some of the things I learned today:
-Learned what the photography industry has done, and how it has evolved and continues to change.
-Using diversity to help your business flourish
-Motion picture quality with blends of video and stills
-Stimulation of clients and the impact stimulation can have on presentation
-Pricing: customizing price quotes for each client...not having an a la carte, or price list
-Making shoots a living experience
-Listening to clients and making an educated pitch
-How to make your work distinctive and of a higher standard
-Designing a website, showit sites
-Creating an experience for clients
-Capturing our clients life in its truest form
-Methods of capturing customized and personal images
-How to engage with clients when taking photos and not hide behind the camera
-Identifying what will make an image hit home for clients
-Learned how to use Lightroom, Aperture, Iview, Photoshop, Flash, NIK effects 2.0, InDesign, ICal, Final Cut Studio, Premier, etc....tons of software
-Learning how to set up a studio
-After consulation, identifying timeless emotions for shoot
-How to market your photos
-Learned about senior shoots
-Efficiency with workflow; workflow simplified
-Wedding workflow managment
-How to create albums: proof albums using Aperture, albums of kind using LuxArt
-Must have gear and lenses and why
-Lighting indoor and outdoor
-Marketing for todays generation: many like to carry their lives with them all the time
-Utilizing technology to gain an edge in market
-Looking for uninterrupted history when taking pictures
-Studio vs. Location shoots
-How to deliver final products and ways to reel clients in to see value of purchasing more
-Know when to turn down money if there is no chemistry between photographer and clients
-Giving incentives to clients and when to use with packages
-How to generate buzz and advertisement
-Importance of networking and building relationships with others in the industry
-How to seperate yourself from competitors
-Posing; how to pose fashionably, traditional, vintage, raw
-How to take good photos despite location, lighting +/-, and focusing on image
-Being aware of Action sets and avoiding novelty photos
-How to reduce workflow by working camera to your fullest
-Cannon 5D MII, learning how this camera and others like it are marking a revolution for the photography industry......
Okay as if that wasn't enough, but you can imagine I was taking notes like a madd woman....however, instead of being bothered by my writing cramp once the 8th hour rolled in, I could of cared less how much fingers/hand hurt because I wasn't going to miss one word of expertise being offered tonight. So I know alot of my pictures have noise but I tried! So the saying Knowledge is power comes to mind because even though I'm still new to much of this, the knowledge piece is really connecting the dots for me. I can't wait for my first wedding! The secrets and tricks of the trade I've picked up just within today has helped to identify what I can do to really set myself apart from my competitors. For anyone questioning WPPI, there is no way you can walk away from this convention without learning something new. I seriously feel and know this is going to be life changing for me as I apply the principles and skills I obtain here. Can you imagine photographing Donald Trumps wedding....which by the way their pictures were to die for! Jennifer and Charles Maring are a powerhouse couple who has the photography industry down to a tee! I am so loving this conference and can't wait to spend another full day with the Marings!