Sunday, April 12, 2009

HGTV pays off!

So this past weekend I was a Saturday's warrior as I attempted to bust an HGTV move by overhauling my moms home and getting it designed a little bit more up to date. Before I show the pictures, I need to preface that because my mom came from very humble beginnings, anything she has purchased from clothes, shoes, decor, dishware, magazines, etc. she has kept all of them from the early 1970s til now. It is very hard for her to let go of things. With 20+ yrs of collecting necessary stuff and not getting rid of some, it does cause a lot of clutter. I have seen a trend with many first generation women where getting rid of things is so hard. I don't blame them one bit though, but know that there is a way to make and keep organized. So in an attempt to make sure that my mom will return to a very comfortable home and room one day, i took the liberty of trying to get her stuff organized and her living areas updated. Aside from photography, interior decorating is also one of my favorite hobbies and this weekend really kicked my butt! My designs though are strictly on a budget- so don't laugh. I'm all about making use of what you already have, eliminating clutter, and making a home very comfortable and relaxing. Stay tuned as the before and after pictures are coming! This project was all about organization, making space for everything important, and utilizing what my mom already had so we could stick to a budget. If I had more time I may have painted, got new light fixtures, update the kitchen cabinets, purchased new furniture, etc....... but i think it will do for now. My many hours of watching HGTV has definitely paid off as I kept my lil makeover very simple.....Stay tuned as I download the pix's:)


Anonymous said...

First of all, I hope ANY of my children can grow up to be like YOU!!! You're a shining example of a dedicated daughter. I CAN'T wait to see the before/after pics!

ma'elePHOTO said...

I can't wait to see the pics!

Lavi said...

wooo i don't have to wait for the photos i'll just go to the house and see the real deal! :D

sepa said...

good for you. can't wait to the see the pix!