1- Eddie Tapps Photoshop Actions (value $75)
2- Photovision DVD: learning about urban photography with kids, plus more! ($50)
3- A basket of victoria secrets latest spring collection of lotions ($50)
The contest will stop Monday May 4th by Midnight MST and the winner will be announced Tuesday morning. My Lehua will select the winner. Good luck!
So lately, I've been doing alot work on the business aspect of things, and have decided to outsource my services. I'm currently working with Pictage and am ecstatic to use their features to make my business solid. This partnership will allow me to focus more on my photography. I've also tried to simplify my methods of editing, post production, and finding a good work flow that will allow me to focus on what I do best. I'm currently working with a designer who is working on my logo, blog, business cards, etc. My official website is also under construction ( whoot-whoot!), and despite taking care of these business formalities I'm trying to really focus on my vision of this business, the values related to what I am doing, and why I'm doing it. If someone out there is really interested in pursuing photography, go for it! Before all of this I had never studied photography other than just candid shots of my kids and family. But it was the support and encouragement from my family, friends, and other photographers that pushed me into learning more about the professional aspect of it all. I'm not an expert by far, but what has helped me tremendously is the sharing and learning with others...this has been so key to my new beginnings. Learn the basics, emulate your idols, and then set out to find who you are in this craft. That is what I am in the process of doing, finding my style and hoping that my end results will communicate much more realness than the cookie cutter images that are all too often produced. This process never ends though, I'm finding myself always looking to be surrounded by greatness, be it music, art, or literature...I'm always on the prowl for inspiration! This industry is constantly evolving and one can be left behind easily if you do not evolve with it. Okay that is my two cents! And since posts are much better with pictures, meet my Lehua who will be selecting the winner next week:)
Wow congratulations Seini.. What a beautiful pix of your daughter.. Love it..
I hope I win... LOL
hi lehua! nice pic, seini. i'm in. :)
Lehua pick me, I want the Eddie Tapps Photoshop Actions! Congrats on the ten thousands hits, word spreads fast!
I have another blog, to cultivate my love of writing and I use this website to track who my visitors are http://www.sitemeter.com/.
It's a free site & you can always upgrade. It's really a cool site because you can program it where it won't track your visits to your own site and you see where your visits are coming from.
It doesn't show the URL visits, but it tells you locations. I had visits from middle east, Europe & asia! Statistically, only 1 percent who visits your site will comment, but at least you get to see where people are visiting you from.
Sorry for the long novel & I love the brown tones that you used on Lehua. She's got your beautiful dark eyes!
Not sure if bribery works on you....but Lehua is the PRETTIEST little Pahulu I've EVER SEEN!!! Really!
Wow, Seini! Scared of you and your 10,000+ hits! So proud AND envious of you at the same time!
Great Job Seini! Love the photos keep them coming...
kl;jadgnglkad- Lehua understands what I mean. lol! Pick me...
Hi Seini...you can count me in. I love your page. I'm not real internet/computer savvy but I do love all the pics you've taken. Keep up the hard work, it looks great.
It's good to hear your mom is moving right along and doing good too.
If I'm chosen, my pick would be the Victoria Secret stuff...lol Look Lehua...hahaha!!!
PRINCESS LEHUA.....pick me pick me....lol
Well, CONGRATULATIONS seini and GREAT JOB....I love your site, its been like my 5th time on here....new pictures and blogs everytime and I love them....but yeah, love you seini and thanks for everything....
PRINCESS LEHUA i would love the Victoria Secret stuff....lol...love you too!!
PRINCESS LEHUA....pick me pick me lol...
CONGRATS seini and GREAT JOB....i love the site....
sorry i had to comment again because i finally figured out how to sign up for a blog...lol....yeah im slow...its because im pregnant...lol
love you!
First of all ♥ your name....second of all ♥ the pic of your beautiful little child Lehua....third ♥ your cousin H.K. who sent me over here...and fourth congratulations...that is a ton of hits..I can't even imagine having that many and fifth...please choose me...that would be the bomb diggity for sure!!!!
I love the picture of the couple on the scrap metal/cars whatever...I love it!
Your pictures are SO beautiful! I came over because HK mentioned you in your post today! I love your style. What beautiful pictures!
You do amazing photography!
Great pics and what a great giveaway! I love photography stuff but I'd have to say I'd want to win the VS stuff :)
Absolutely gorgeous photos! You have such a talent. I'm visiting from H.K.'s blog. So glad that I came by today :)
You take amazing photos. I LOVE the bridal with those old what is is bunch of scrap car parts. It is amazing and so fun where people have their pictures taken these day. So much more interesting then when I was first married gosh 100 years ago.
good stuff --I was sent over here by H.K.
Your work is stunning. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent. I'm wanting to learn all there is when it comes to photography so I'd love the Eddie Tapps Photoshop Actions or the Photovision DVD. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks.
Cute little girl!!!
No need to enter me in your give-away but just wanted to say Congrats on your success.
Your work is awesome Seini.. So talented. Congrats on the 10000 hits. BTW, if I win I'd like the Victoria Secret basket.. Thanks!!!
Came over from H.K., Great photos! I would like to win anything because I never win!
I saw you on HK. Love your photography. You are amazing and talented!
(All the prizes sound great so I'd love any of them if I win.)
I want some Eddie Tapps Actions!!! Please!!! You're work is amazing! :)
Congratulations on your milestone!! I'd love to be entered into the contest to win the Eddie Tapps Photoshop Actions. THANKS!!
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